Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Everyone has a Voice

I have a voice just as you do too. The difference is I will listen to your voice,

Yet you won’t listen to mine because whenever I speak you walk away ignoring my

Very words I say.

I sit and listen while you speak what’s on your mind respecting your opinions

Whether we share the same or differ.

Whenever I speak words to you all you do is walk away.

Being disrespectful isn’t the answer here, just listen to my words and you will understand me as

I have been done for all these years for your sake too.

Can’t you see the pain in my eyes each time you tell me it doesn’t matter what I say to you?

No, because you are too blinded to see the pain place upon me, in your eyes nothing is wrong

Everything is right as long as your voice has been heard.

In the end everyone’s voice counts, everyone’s word and opinions may differ and that is okay.

Everyone is allowed to have a voice, you, me, she, and he, no matter who they are voices need to be heard and listen too. Remember this they deserved the same respect as you do in every word spoken. 

By Mary R.